Covid-19 - Who is responsible government, public or origin country

Covid-19 - Who is responsible government, public or origin country.

I am an Indian citizen who is, during this lockdown have nothing to do surfing whole night and day, random things watching the casualties happening in my County and overseas.
Number of cases is rising day by day in India despite the lockdown. Though rising in cases is at slow pace but we never know when it will explode. And once it will explode there is no stopping. Unlike sleeper cell or random tererroist attack in country which after bomb explosion stops taking thousands of life may be number goes in lakhs also. But once if this virus explodes then it might not take much time to finish a country.
Yesterday I had gone to market to buy some vegetables and some random people were travelling on bike doing chit chat that virus has come from China. We should slam  that country, whole world should fine the penalty for causing casualties and spread of disease in whole world, abusing the Chinese saying it is Chinese virus.
Agreed, that China has earlier not disclosed the cases of covid-19, it only informed the WHO (World health organization) when things went out of situation for Chinese government. But have you realized or ever given a thought that in china only two province were hit by Covid-19 that is Wuhan and Hubeai whereas in other places whole country is infected or getting infected in each and every state just like our India, where we are hearing everyday in news that one case in Maharashtra,one case in Kerala,one case in rajasthan. This kind of news is coming  everyday that number of cases rises above 500, number of cases crossed 600 and now it has touched 1000 .
But why???
Despite lockdown why it is happening. We were in phase 1 then phase 2 now we are heading towards phase 3.
So even if we are locked in our houses why it is happening??
As of now everyone is well aware of Covid-19 is contagious disease which spread from one person to 100 or 1000 just like wild fire and it was known by everyone then also when Wuhan went into lockdown that is on 23rd January.
Despite knowing all this why Indian government went there and brought all stranded Indian from China to India. Have anyone ever given thought why these Indian left India and went abroad just to have better future which they can't get in India as per their thinking.
So why Indian government went ahead and brought those people here again just to show we care about our country person and what about those who are residing here from beginning. Do government not care about them???
Actually yes government do not care about them, because they cared about people who left country for their personal benefits and don't give damn to what happens in our own country that is India.
First case in India of Covid-19 reported in end of January, and that also one of the student returned from Wuhan. Why Indian government has not taken action then only , why it took so long to them to take action that is almost 2 month. They were very well aware that in one day it is killing 1000 of people and Italy and Spain is greatest example. Still what our government was doing. Flying down the Indian from another country to India to bring the infection in our country. And they got succeeded in same. Now the situation is that not a single state is left from this deadly viral infection.
Recently they bought back 275 Indian from Iran and kept them in quarantine and every one was hurt saluting the pilot for such a great work. Personally I don't think that it was great work because what we are doing the finding the way to kill thousands of people in our country. Instead that pilot should have denied saying right now situation is worst in our country and worsening day by day, so we should focus on our citizen those who are here. We will bring them, quarantine them but what about those who are already infected. Doesn't news channel saying and ICMR saying that if this is the way number of cases will keep increasing we will be out of bed and quarantine facilities sooner.
Thousands of public who rely on daily wages and left their state and went to another state for earning what about them. Are they not Indian citizen, don't they deserve treatment what the Indian foreigners are getting.
Well, what I see through they are not that is why they are living without food, walking back to their native on their own without any transportation.
There are tourists from another country who has now locked down here due to Covid-19 breakdown, Have their country not bothered about them to bring back to their country. Only indians are bothered and they are bothered for those who are not even tourist..but maximum from them will reside in that country. Still we are bothered why because we have great heart.
If statistics have to be seen maximum number of cases in India is due to foreign national or those who have travel history to foreign country and they are infecting the citizen residing here. Everyone here blaming the people those who are not following the lockdown and it should be blamed... But are these people are responsible for bringing that deadly virus to India or that government who has bought back infected foreign indian citizen to India or Chinese government who has not disclosed it earlier. Who is to be blamed. Ofcourse normal public. Because celebrities are following it police is doing their duty doctor's their, government their only people living in India are not following it. Rest all is following. So suffering should be for normal public. Let them die then. But who is responsible for their death ..they themselves not the people who have come infected from other countries and not government who have bought them here.

Write your opinion in comments box...


  1. I Agree with your opinion.
    But now it's time to stand together to fight against this deadly virus and become a helping hand to this needy people's who are stranded on roads.
    Now Instead of blaming and proving govt. wrong. We can stand together and fight.
    Hope everything will be fine soon.
    Stay safe.


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